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The Jamaica photo project » Norman Manley International Airport

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-20, comment

I needed to clear some autoparts at the customs warehouse so I stopped by the airport to see how its looking. I'm not sure when we will be able to fly like normal again but one thing is for sure customs tax on auto-parts has left my pocket dry. Tax was 65% of the cost of the items and discounts are not used in the calculation. Hopefully these front end parts last me for a good amount of time (rear engine mount, drop links, tie-rod ends, anti-rollbar bushings). Old car maintenance struggles.

Anyway here are some pictures from the airport. It was a rainy overcast day. The best kind to get reflections of the water. Only a few flights coming in now and there is some kinda app that you have to use to get clearance to land - not sure if its just for tourists or locals too but the whole thing is busy work.

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Street Photography » Kingston

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-20, comment

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Street Photography » Kingston

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-20, comment

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On the menu » Island Grill Sept 2020

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-19, comment

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Street Photography » Bus condoctors, Kingston

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-19, comment

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Anonymous123 commented: No uniforms, no badges, pants off their butts, damaged buses, loading out of queue, parking on yellow line show lack of discipline. I wouldn't travel with them, I have options. The commuting public does not have options. ... read 1 more