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ChangeLog » Jan2020 - Softnews Update

written by owen, published 2020-Jan-18, comment

I have updated the softnews project. Fixed some display bugs I had on mobile devices (probably added some new ones too). The feed now links directly to youtube/vimeo videos instead of trying to play them embedded. Photo blogs seem to be going the way of the dinosaur but I am still looking out for new ones which are not on instagram. View softnews, it gets updated every morning magically from RSS feeds. It follows almost 80 Jamaica/Trinidadian/Caribbean blogs, youtube/vimeo channels and a few international ones. Post a comment below if you want it to follow your stuff (you must have a RSS feed).

Old Design 2018

Old Design 2018

Old Design 2018

Old Design 2018

New Design 2020

New Design 2020

New Design 2020

New Design 2020

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Logbook » Cold, Cold, Cold

written by owen, published 2020-Jan-17, comment

Every time I mention that I "survived 2019" I get a look like I am being morbid. People want to hear about the normal stuff, Christmas dinners and married life but I live in a country where road fatalities in 2019 were at a 26 year high with 435 dead. Makes me wonder if I should really write and publish my "Driving in Jamaica" hand book to see if I can save some lives and finally get my Heros Day medal of honor.

When you stop to let a blind man cross the road and then drive off to almost hit down big fully functioning adult male you know driving on these roads is not for the foolish. You have to be vigilant for you never know when the USA might drone strike you for some random reason.

So its a new year. A fresh chance to dig ourselves out of our bad ways and pave a new tunnel towards knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Unless of course you were already on that path then carry on. For the rest of those that seem content on wasting the time of others I hope you see the ill in your ways.

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owen commented: what a time to be alive! ... read 1 more

Guestbook » Very Interesting

written by Tina, published 2020-Jan-15, comment

Really cool stuff. I like the pictures and the info about Jamaica is very interesting.


Blog Jamaica » Styrofoam Ban in effect since Jan2020

written by owen, published 2020-Jan-13, comment

I am not sure what effect this will have on the take out food industry. Maybe a 20-50$ increase in food prices in the small food businesses. Or it may encourage people to cook more often and buy less food at roadside. No one knows for sure. Maybe we will go back to folded cardboard boxes and grease paper which are known to leak if you do not eat the food quickly - a tricky situation for food delivery and those who like to take out and take home. Bring you own food containers? Start selling food by the pound - measured out.

Eitherway, this is a small step towards solving the general problem of littering that plagues Jamaican society.

Small Styrofoam containers used for take out then left exactly where they sat to eat it.

Small Styrofoam containers used for take out then left exactly where they sat to eat it.

Plastic bottles on a beach in Helsire

Plastic bottles on a beach in Helsire

Established food businesses already use mostly paper based container but there is still the problem of those plastic lids.

Established food businesses already use mostly paper based container but there is still the problem of those plastic lids.


What were your favorite songs/videos Of 2019?

What tunes were rocking to last year? put a song name or youtube/vimeo link in the comments. It does not necessarily have to be a song published in 2018. How I do keep track of it is by saving a playlist that I add songs to through the year, so that at the end of the year I know what I had liked. Otherwise if you have a good memory just add a comment with the list of songs.

written by owen on 2020-Jan-10, Answer this question13

owen answered: Daddy1 - Custom Munga Honorable - Nah Mad Koffee - Rapture CHARLY BLACK - GYAL YOU A PARTY ANIMAL ... read 12 more