Traveling without moving » Toronto Pearson Airport
written by owen, published 2018-Sep-12, comment
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written by owen, published 2018-Sep-09, comment
Picked up 8 cds in Toronto. It was not easy finding them. They totaled $20 CAD. The cheapest being the Christmas CD I got in Kensington market for $1 CAD and the most expensive being the Stevie Nicks at $6. St. Lawrence Market had the biggest selection but the really good stuff started at 25$ and I was not about that life. So far the Steve Nicks CD is the worse of the batch - such a flat singer.
Here are a few songs from the set; The Killers - All These Things That I've Done (2004), Nickelback - Someday (2003), Carla Bruni - Quelqu'un m'a dit (2002), R.E.M. - E-Bow The Letter(1996) and Stevie Nicks - Rooms On Fire (1989)
comment 1
Jam commented: Carla Bruni...I love her voice. ... read more
written by owen, published 2018-Sep-07, comment
Nothing like a good old fashioned yard sale. The stuff is not really as cheap as you would expect (because most of the sellers are pros) but I always find it more interesting to look at than going to Walmart. I picked up about 5 random CDs. The guy who was selling the good CDs was starting at 25 CAD a pot and I was like no - but he did have good stuff. I keep forgetting to take pictures. Prices range from $2 for a silver spoon to $500 for random jewelry, rugs and paintings. Some of the weirder stuff is even more expensive. Definitely a must visit if you are into antique stuff.
written by owen, published: 2018-Sep-05, read 2999 times.