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Logbook » Country Boy

written by owen, published 2018-Jul-10, comment

Life is struggle. What is life without struggle? Every man have their struggle. And once you get them you cannot escape, you only exchange them for credits that you end up spending at another shop. I embrace my struggles like a warm blanket on a cold winter night. Sometimes it is not about the problems you can solve right now, but the struggles that you reach out, grab by the horns and ride down a steep, muddy hill side. Endure.

Time is one of those things that is both something and nothing concurrently. Time twists and turns, runs out, runs down. You lose it, rarely gain it. Buy it, sell it, save it. It waits on no one. By the time you start enjoying time, you realize it is time to do something else. Time is both flat, wide and long. All encompassing like the sea of above an under water island. Everywhere and nowhere.

I watch the local news on most nights. Not because I have to but because I try to always be aware of the many ways to avoid drama. Drama is the last thing a man needs in his life. Drama creeps up like a thief in the night. There is nothing in life than you should worry about losing as long as you know it is inevitable. Take comfort in the struggle.

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The search problem part 3 (programming)

written by owen, published: 2018-Jul-06, read 2972 times.

zagga commented: Good stuff! ... read more

Blog Jamaica » Under the road

written by owen, published 2018-Jun-30, comment

If you ever wondered why they have to dig up the roads so often then here is a look at the water network below the densely packed Downtown Kingston streets. Eventually all this will be covered up and paved over. The whole system works unless one of old the pipes fail and there are alot of old pipes.

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8 ways to stop wasting time on social media

written by owen, published: 2018-Jun-28, read 9312 times.

Logbook » Disco Tits

written by owen, published 2018-Jun-26, comment

It doesn't take any extra energy for me to write stuff down. Being that I am already thinking deeply about it - ALL THE TIME - writing it down becomes as second nature. All I do is compose a new email and add paragraphs as they comes to mind. I avoid things that waste my thought space and I purposely dodge the stimulation that comes from browsing social media all day so that my mind is free to focus. God knows what social media is doing to people's brains. Constantly finding new cats videos and having to storing them in their brain. I have 20 unfinished articles in drafts (probably more). I am not really in a rush to finish them because only fools rush in.

I used to rush to publish but I later realized that the longer I let them bake - the clearer my thoughts would become and the less spelling mistakes I made. Sometimes I am surprised by the number of thoughts/events that re-occur over time that I recall to have written down previously. When I go to look for it, I find that its something I wrote down in 2011 and I think to myself; "crap I am old!". My new habit is to post a link to something I previously written every time I comment on social media. I am sure it triggers some people.

If course in 2011 I would have had a large number spelling errors but it does not matter much because the concept remains the same. I would have spend a whole month thinking about it, hence I rarely need to make big changes as some concepts stand the test of time. Coming up the basic concept of the article/post is the hard part. Of course I do not want to seem like a self-righteous, ignorant ass. But at the same time I want to impart some original idea, or thought. I want to build rocket ships. Sometimes writing it down frees my mind to think about other things. I do not have feelings festering in my mind. I free them.

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