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The random photo journal » Old tree by the sea

written by owen, published 2018-Jan-09, comment

Treasure Beach, Jamaica

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Automation - A slow creep

written by owen, published: 2018-Jan-06, read 2478 times.

Logbook » Abundance

written by owen, published 2018-Jan-03, comment

Wow, 2018. We have crossed the hump and are now barrelling straight down through another set of birthdays, holidays and global catastrophes.. I thought the Christmas period would never end as I try to eat three cakes by myself. The Christmas tree is still standing because I dread the chore of taking it down and repackaging it in a box in which it will surely not fit. What is life without change?

The date for the ending of Whatsapp support for me phone has come and gone but I do not care really. Idle chatter is only going to keep me from doing what I want to do and dreaming about the future only stops you from doing what you can do now. So its back to BBM or email or phone calls. Probably I will start walking around with my camera again and updating my website more often.

I try not to be a heavy weight on the shoulders of other people. Because I am not certain of anything. Or I like to exist as a part of a greater whole and I do not want to pretend to be special. Do it for the love. Every dance might be your last so I am always cautious as a survival mechanism. Nothing really matters except for the trees that you climb, the good memories and the falls you survive.

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The Jamaica photo project » Jack Sprat, Treasure Beach, Jamaica

written by owen, published 2017-Dec-31, comment

Restaurant and Bar. Fish, chicken, cold jelly, fries and burger. Pretty much anything you want. Plus beach with life guard on duty. Happy 2018 everyone.

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Blog Jamaica » Deep in the bushes of Manchester

written by owen, published 2017-Dec-30, comment

This is my third attempt . The first 2 times I turned back because I had passed more forks in the road than my brain can process which is 3. This trip was aided by Janique running google maps on co-pilot. She was still getting the hang of it because google maps has the habit of re-routing if you do not page attention to it.

No matter what google maps tells you there are times the shortest route is impossible. Wasted 2 hours driving through narrow cobble stone roads at 30 kmph. When you start seeing bushes growing in the road you should turn back and go the route with the more used roads. If you stop seeing signs of road work, patching, white lines you know you are off the grid. Luckily cellphone data worked all the way. There was one occasion where we had to reverse into a driveway so that another car could pass along a narrow section of the road.
If you are going to Treasure Beach head down Spur Tree Hill. It might be the longer route but the roads are better - much better.

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comment 3

Mad Bull commented: Nice pics. Also, good advice. I'ma have to remember that. ... read 2 more