Guestbook » Detroit burbs
written by Faith, published 2003-Sep-12, comment
Hey Owen, I like the newish design.
comment 12
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written by Faith, published 2003-Sep-12, comment
Hey Owen, I like the newish design.
comment 12
owen commented: yay! :) I'm glad you like the design. Though I wondering what did you mean by 'newish'? ... read 11 more
written by owen, published: 2003-Sep-11, read 12502 times.
Jesper commented: Great case. ... read 14 more
written by owen, published 2003-Sep-10, comment
Sure, I love the fact that so many people read my page. What red-blooded web publisher wouldn't love 12,000 hits on their personal site? But you see, hit counts aren't what it's all about. It's about connecting.
I don't publish this thing to attract thousands of mindless surfers. I publish it out of some strange urge to let my friends (and anyone else who stumbles upon it) know what's on my mind when it comes to technology and the web. I keep doing it because occasionally a friend will send me some feedback, telling me I'm absolutely wrong (or absolutely right), and that I should get back to work (or quit my job and do this full time).
from Hit counts are a head trip (Dec 11, 1995) on
written by owen, published 2003-Sep-09, comment
I went to the 3rd anual jamaica consumer electronics show last saturday. I didn't buy anything though. I was too pre-occupied by the fact that I didn't have any money.
The net ball team had just lost a game. And I was there looking at uptown girls, flat screen televisions and latin dancers doing the "log on" dance. I saw a few people, watched The Matrix again. Not entirely because there wasn't much space to park. Besides the djs, load music and andell, everything was pretty much in the same place as it was the previous year of the event.
I wasn't disappointed though. It was well done. Not like I had anything better to do anyway.
comment 8
written by owen, published 2003-Sep-05, comment
Well, I did it. I bit the bullet and purchased a 30GB Apple iPod.'s cool as hell. I partially paid for it by ripping all of my CDs to my computer, and then selling them. Now, all those CDs are in the plam of my hand on my iPod. Sure, the moral/legal implications are offensive, but when did I ever claim to have morals?
from jeffcroft's weblog post entitled: I'm a Pod Person!
ThatCreepyWhiteGuy commented: Computers are still better. ... read 5 more