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Pimp Juice » Coca

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-26, comment

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There were handing out free samples in the mall. Why are they still advertising this? isn't it kinda pointless?

comment 4

Blog Jamaica » Its Official! Patties are expensive

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-25, comment

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Word to you mothers. And that 135 is without cheese. People still eat patties without cheese? really? well I might have to try it.

comment 8

Gods Child commented: some people cannot digest cheese, so they are out of luck, but also a little wealtier ... read 7 more

Food and Eats » Lunch

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-25, comment

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I think the lunch lady when alittle over board the day after I got a terrible-TERRIBLE lunch. I will post that lunch pic at a later date.

comment on this food 9

Gods Child commented: That looks like I could eat it every day. Well, maybe some of it. Someone like me might get colic. ... read 8 more

Food and Eats » Chicken Burger

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-25, comment

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Bought at KFC. Probably one of the only things I will ever buy from there again. Burger King is already on my pointless fast food list.

comment on this food 1

Ayo commented: Definitely not the best thing I've ever eaten... :S These days though buying ANYTHING from KFC is a disappointment *Sigh* ... read more

Food and Eats » Cheesy Bread

written by owen, published 2012-Jul-25, comment

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yum, I do not remember where I bought it. Some bakery up hope road.

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