The Sweetest Taboo (Explanation of blog post)
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written by owen on 2007-Jan-14.
This is a sorta explaination of the post "The Sweetest taboo" since people didn't really get it. You should read that first before venturing off into this. Most of my posts - well all have 3 paragraphs which often times do not interact. Avoid trying to make sense of it as a whole. Sometimes I will make the effort and write a full essay but those times are rare and far between. Took a couple hours but I've managed to link every reference I could find. I'd like to thank, my mother and all the people who didn't annoy me. The notes are * emphased or highlighted in yellow on my site.
The explanation
The sweetest taboo *reference song The sweetest taboo by Sade Adu
*Taboo is noun meaning a social or religious custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing. Its also from one of my favorite artists Sade Adu. Its off an album called Promise by Sade. The "Best of Sade Album" was stolen from a roommate in New York in 2001 - I loved it so much. The album defined my entire trip. I was in the Bronx with my grandmother. Then the whole 9/11 thing happened and I came home a week later. Watched it live because the other public channels stopped working when they too out the tower.
submitted on 07th Jan 2007 to Logbook *first post of 2007submitted by owen * I are di one
Its been sometime since we last spoke. *reference to a song called "Cupid's Chokehold" by the GymClassHeroes. In which the protagonist writes to his mother about his love life. Very good song and video.
When I was a young boy my momma said to me "There's only one girl in the world for you and she probably lives in Tahiti ". *From a song by Wreckless Eric called Whole Wide World which I found a review & mp3 from the Stranger Than Fiction - Original SoundTrack. Stranger Than Fiction is a movie I watched the week before about a Tax auditor who is hearing his life being narrated by a voice in the sky. Good movie.
Luckily, being as I am, I do not think of it much, illusions of grandeur are not entertained. Only fools rush in. *reference "Can't help falling in love" by UB40 It is hard to resist like spiked christmas sorrel. It had so much alcohol in it that it didn't even taste like sorrel. Being red was its only alibi. I poured it half full and attempted to over-power the spirits with ice water like an exorcist. *reference to year's week post Love is lame Little did it do. *Stranger Than Fiction I won't be your father figure, put your tiny hands in mine. *reference song "Father Figure" by George Michaels
* The entire second paragraph is about my taboo. Which ties into the title of the post. The title of the post usually has nothing to do with the content but this one seemed fitting.
As I look down in to her eyes and stare. In deep thought about nothing I look fixedly with my eyes wide open until she starts to giggle profusely [[water]] *Something that is profuse is poured out or given freely, often to the point of exaggeration or excess. like a school girl at a fair. A fair that has a bounce-a-bout, merry-go-round and cotton candy. * Refers to Brooks park in Mandeville Jamaica, where I grew up as a child. You could only get cotton candy at fairs back them A confused look rolls over her face - trying to fathom my thoughts. *apparently I confuse people often At which point I break my silence and move towards her lips, thats all I wanted, its a little bit more than it seems. *reference to a song "More Than It Seems" mp3 by Citizen Cope Sad eyes turn the other way. * reference "Sad Eyes" by the Bee Gees Let me show you how much I care. *reference "The reasons Unknown" by The Killers As I watch the clock, time slowly drifts *water on, it becomes hard to concentrate. Something in the way she moves. * reference "Something" by the Beatles 1969 Sometimes I find myself lost in the glow of her shiny nose like a meteor drawn dangerously into the earth's path, emitting light as a result of being heated. As the separation anxiety *SNES video game with Venom and Spiderman begins to sink in *water, nothing is quite the same but if it makes you happy why are you so sad? *reference song "If it makes you happy" by Sheryll Crow It may take sometime to recover. This has been the worst December ever. *really Love me for who I am. *stop trying to figure me out, I'm not weird
It has been a stressful new year. Not counting the people who have been murdered so far. *25 in a week Being murdered I imagine would be more than stressfull. I was just getting accustomed to 2006 when it came to a hard, bitter and infuriating end. No Mavado watch. *christmas present mission influenced by Tash to get myself a watch from a girl for christmas by any means necessary - failed Children killing children while the students rape their teachers. We can't carry these sins on our back, we gonna swim to the ocean floor, crash to the other shore. *water *reference "Swim" by Madonna off the Ray Of light Album All we need is love * Beatles and snow * Snow falling in Jamaica would reduce the crime rate - its a theory, I pray for it nightly.
There you have it, took a while to compile but its done. Won't be doing that again.
permanent link. Find similar posts in Articles.
that is long. was right about the Sheryl Crow. Didn't pick up the citizen cope or much else 4 that matter. kicking self. next time u come 2 tha bronx give a holler
by gods child 2007-Jan-14
are you like always online? I just posted that a second ago. Took me like 3 hours to link up and post. [yawning].
by owen 2007-Jan-14
no i am not

do you not realize the internet is real-time?
by Gods Child 2007-Jan-15
no G, its not a jab at you, its just like when spend 2 hours building a cake and 2 people come and knock it down in a minute, even before it cool.
by owen 2007-Jan-15
You know Owen i could say that your constant referencing to songs for your blogs are awesome but im not gonna swell ur head up.
by Tami 2007-Jan-19
Check out the Tower of Babel. I got your car there, man. [friendly]
by Mad Bull 2007-Jan-21