The Bleach Incident
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written by owen on 2006-Feb-09.
- NK says: hi
- NK says: you there ?
- owen says: sup?
- NK says: I was hospitalized for 2 days... for the first time in Canada
- NK says: that too... with an Ambulance pickup
- NK says: yesterday, I came out of Hos...
- owen says: :O
- owen says: man, what happened?
- NK says: I was inhaled strong and punget... smell of bleach / Javex
- NK says: which I was not aware .... when I was doing some cleaning in the bathroom
- NK says: unfortunately, because of winter all the doors and windows were closed...
- NK says: and I fell short of breath....
- owen says: oh,
- NK says: had to run of the house for air.... in - 12 centigrade..., snow
- NK says: for 30 - 40 min.
- NK says: and finally ran into Hypothermia
- NK says: next door neighbour called the ambulance
- NK says: to rescue the situation
- owen says: man you almost killed you self!
- NK says: I guess....
- NK says: yes
- NK says: it was very unfortuante situation
- owen says: you doing better now?
- NK says: Yeah... I am
- NK says: I still feel fragile...
- NK says: Luckily,... I have healthcard...
- owen says: you'll be back up to strength in a couple a days
- NK says: and did not incur and bills
- NK says: yes, you are right
- NK says: that would be fair enough time , i guess
- owen says: just rest
- NK says: I want you to post a message on your site - saying that some smart people have to be alert all the time
- NK says: no matter who they are...
- NK says: Lot of intelectual do know certain circumstances...
- owen says: what doesn't kill you makes you stronger
- NK says: absolutely
- NK says: post message and hep people by alerting.... once in a life time
- NK says: i think you can do that....
- NK says: a simple bleach can put us ... dangerous situation
- owen says: true
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Good point. Since I am always cleaning ;) and I know a lot of cleaners, I will mention it to them.
by mad bull 2007-Feb-17
come to think of it
I've almost gotten myself in trouble with bleach and ajax
sometimes it's better to leave dirty things alone
by Gods Child 2008-Apr-15
Does this person speak English?
by Tami 2008-Aug-31