
Food and Eats, page 3

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Banana Flitters Part 2

written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

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This time bought the shape and the texture was better with the help of my assistant. The amount of banana and how they are dropped in the oil is important.

comment on this food 1

Tami commented: Good stuff, try it with raisins. Id eat about 2 dozen of these if i cud. ... read more


written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

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The catered Chinese food was good which is a rare occasion.

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Bridge over troubled waters

written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

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You can always tell that a restaurant in Jamaica is going to be expensive by the fact that it has a wooden bridge over a pool.

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Icecream and Jello

written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment

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Somethings just never get old

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Chocolate Cake

written by owen, published 2010-Mar-01, comment

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Can't go wrong with that, unless its too small a portion.

comment on this food 4

Gods Child commented: le sigh. It looks so delicious. . . and too small a portion is better than too large a portion. Enjoyment so quickly turns to cloying. ... read 3 more