I saw this new bag of chips from Costa Rica on the shelf of the super market. Dispite the fact that it tastes like real ripe plantains, I didn't like it too much. A co-worker suggested that they should not be salted - that salt does not go well with ripe. I don't know, it didn't catch on with me. I'll stick to the regular green plantain variety - its much better in my opinion.
Gods Child commented: sweet plantain chips are a bad thing. We should try to rid the earth of them. Some plantain chips that I buy make the extra effort to declare on the label "Not Sweet"!
I thank them kindly. ... read 14 more
I was having a rare moment of brilliance when I decided to combine my 2 favourite things; plantains and Island Grill chicken sandwich. Yes and it was delicious. You are welcome.
I recently attended the weekly "Crabbit" event at Carlos Cafe on Belmont Road, New Kingston. The charge is about $850+GCT and you eat all the crabs with Garlic Bread that you can.
There was a variety of specially prepared cook crabs to choose from such as Garlic Crabs, Peppered Crabs, Oyster and Ginger Crab and Curry Crab.
Its kinda random. You never know if you are going to get a big-ole piece of tomato in it. You would think that it was easy to stuff some cabbage, tomato and a thin slice of cheese into a beef patty but it apparently is not so. Or maybe I am just salt to always end up getting the top slice of the tomato - you know the part that is so solid that it feels like you are biting into a unpeal orange. Yes, maybe its my fault. I would not expect them to throw away all the tops but it is annoying!