Digicel Building Downtown
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment

I still think they should have gone bigger especially with all the money they are making from the cellphone addicted Jamaicans.
comment 2
Tall buildings and land marks submit a photo
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment
I still think they should have gone bigger especially with all the money they are making from the cellphone addicted Jamaicans.
comment 2
Tami commented: Building a building out of glass to make sure the staff have a lovely view of the ocean is one thing. Going bigger with glass right at the edge of an island that is prone to hurricanes is another. Their insurance gonna be high ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-Nov-23, comment
Digicel is building a building Downtown. I personally think they should have gone bigger.
comment 9
Gods Child commented: but, aren't skyscrapers a liability in a hurricane? I'm just asking ... read 8 more
written by owen, published 2011-May-09, comment
Somebody wasted quite a bit of blue paint on this building.
written by owen, published 2010-Aug-19, comment
This was a earlier picture
Back of the building
Front view in New Kingston. Lots of red paint.