
The random photo journal, page 37

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

A menagerie of screenshots from a sideproject

written by owen, published 2020-Apr-16, comment

I rarely need to post any side projects on here because normally I could just go outside and take pictures but in these interesting times I have to resort to expanding my content pool. Here is a selection of 640x480 shots from a game I have been writing in the C programming language. The target platform is the Nintendo Wii and to answer you question; no I will not write an app so you can play it on your cellphone. Enjoy the colours.

Game development is a slow meticulous process and what you get out of it is this ball of stuff that some people like or they try it for 4 minutes and never play it again. It is certainly not a hobby for everyone and some people make games for a living. But for me I get enjoyment out of putting things together and research how to achieve certain effects.

Time is the biggest challenge, to find the time to do it - Betye Saar

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Hellshire Beach in Black and White

written by owen, published 2020-Jan-04, comment

 Men scaling fish in the morning

Men scaling fish in the morning

 Sugarman's beach front

Sugarman's beach front

 Alleyway between shacks

Alleyway between shacks

 Thatch roof

Thatch roof

 Looking out

Looking out



 Looking in

Looking in

St. Catherine Jamaica

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written by owen, published 2019-Dec-22, comment

St. Elizabeth, Jamaica

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Bull Bay Beach

written by owen, published 2019-Nov-28, comment

Still doing the Black and White thing.



 lost keys

lost keys

 clean up our beach today

clean up our beach today

 sand and gravel

sand and gravel

 television shell

television shell

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Pricemart Run

written by Anonymous, published 2019-Nov-10, comment

I rarely take pictures in black and white. I need to up my camera game. My old Canon Powershot Elph 300HS point and shoot has been showing its age for a while now. I can still take good pictures with it but it requires an increasing amount of effort, patience and adequate lighting. Things which are hard to come by when shooting wild like I do most of the time. Plus I do not like to do post-processing on my pictures so if I can get them in a decent quality straight out of the camera then that would save me a ton of time.

Post processing is all the rage now with the rise of instagram filters and snap chat. The less real a picture looks the more interesting it is to the human eye. You can watch a video of a trip to Paris and then you visit it and you realize that the colours do not pop as much as you thought they would. But alas a new camera with a bigger sensor will bring less noise and the added in body stabilization I will end up with fewer blurry pictures. Now I just have to find the perfect compromise between size, price and quality.

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