Now Im talking from position of having actually gone through the storm. Where I was wasnt too bad, I didnt see the damage I was preparing for, but most areas of the island experienced loads of damage. Yes, there is not water at home, not electricity. It sucks!! But of course my workplace had to have electricity so they could demand I come in to work. Its surprising thought that the phonelines were up throughout the storm. The looting did take place and I am not surprised. I heard so many gunshots. Yiiikes!! But all in all, lets forget about the flood and wind damage and pray that Lovindeer doesnt record another song.... Wah Wah!! Wild Ivan!
I rarely ever tell people what I do. Mainly because there ins't anything really obvious about being a software specialist. Usually I would say I'm a writer or journalist for a local newspaper - less to explain. I would much rather talk about you. Then at that point I pull out my digital camera which helps to navigate the conversation away from the topic of what I do. Most people cannot handle an in depth explanation of the inner workings a conditional loop. To most people software is microsoft word and a web site is used to check email. I avoid the subject as best as possible, because people usually get confused and then you will try to explain and they get even more confused. I am in the wilderness, you are in the music in the nice car next to me. I am a good listener and I can argue on pretty much any topic except religion and the sponge-bob-square-pants. If at some point at topic comes up and I don't want to argue about, I just find a way to kill the convosation by waving my hands in the air like a monkey. Programming though something I do quite a lot during the day and sometimes as I sleep, isn't something I go around talking about, it's hard to explain it to people - it just something I do to pass the time. I never had the whole "growing up to be an astronaut" aspirations in my head because I knew from a very early age that there was no air in space and therefore you couldn't do air stuff like breath or blow bobbles. I wanted to be a fireman. I liked vikings more than pirates because battle axes did more damage than swords and it looks better when it's stuck in the side of person's head.
michael halvorsen commented: i tell people i have a website and have made many in my time, but never do i tell them what the site uses or how it is all done. i wrote everything that my site uses on my own, but never will you hear me talk about it in person. i have no one to talk to about it with. at work, when i am given time to sit at my desk and do web work, i do it. i don't talk to anyone at my office about what i do to make it happen, i just do it. i am the web developer and programmer, the one who makes our website and the other websites we are in control of work.
its not that i don't want to share what i do with people, i just don't hang around those type of people. i'm not afraid of being called a nerd, i just don't want to be one in my own eyes.
btw, you rock owen because you completely change the subject and start talking about something way off topic! ... read more
I didn't even realise that it has been over a year since I started or unleashed this version of the web site. In my attempt at creating a simple web site even my mother would re-visit. Writing sweet little nothings. So it has been a year and not one piece of hate mail or assassination (!assignation) attempt, I think but I am doing pretty well. I can't say weather I have matured as a writer or as a person since last year or whether I have swoon any girls because of the web site but time will tell. Marking the anniversary I decided to do nothing, to leave everything as is and be thankful that I made it this far without losing all my data or being labeled as "the guy with the silly little web site", mocked and laughed at as I walk down a crowded city street. Updated the user section - now the appearance option is actually useful to most people. Besides that everything is basically the same, though faster loading. Obviously there is an endless supply of bueatiful single women (who haven't called me yet). Many with hidden problems and physico summer boyfriends bent on making your life a living nightmare. I know I don't touch you the way I used to, I don't call or write when I'm away, I'm busy.
michael halvorsen commented: i can say i haven't been reading your site for the past year, but i'm happy with it. its nice and relays your message, if any.
i've had the version of my site up for just a little time, but i've been through many versions and many management systems, the final, being the one i made.
its always nice to have a website and read stuff you've posted in the past. kinda feels weird reading some of the stuff from 2 years ago. some of the stuff i wrote from that long ago doesn't even seem like me. ... read 3 more
Unless your living on another planet or have not being to yahoo lately, you might not have realised that the olympics in athens is underway. The Olympics in which countries from around the world come together to see who has the better set of athletes and who can win the most medals for their country. It's all in the nature of good clean fun, friendship, peace and gold medals.
But it is fun to watch, that is if you are the sports watcher type of person. If not you can still check out which country has the best looking athletes. IT does not matter if you country is involved or not it's all about the competition. Most might not care for the olympics as a whole but there is something there for everyone. I myself watched beach volley ball, tennis and diving events. I don't know why really I just do. Built it and they will come is what I have always say.
There is usually always an event in play, like a spring break circus or carnival. So much so that some of the events are happening simultaneously and they don't get televised. Which in fact sucks for the people in the unpopular events but they still get their medals, bragging rights. Depending on what channel your watching or whether your awake. For the people who don't sleep that isn't much of a problem.
Mad Bull commented: Yeah, some of those athletes look <b><i>FINE!!!</i></b> The runner from Barbados, I think it was, Tonique something... She look noice, nuh true? Not only her of course, but she shocked out yesterday. ... read 7 more
I really should cut my hair this week at somepoint if I get around to it. It's been a couple a months since my last confession I think and it reaching the point where my hair is begining to eat into my skull and give me nightmares. I am not one to really care about up keep but security guards stop me too often at banks and armored security check points. I consider it my bad boy slash unemployed- drunk look which I use to avoid the sunday school teachers I so ever often pick-up on the way from the city. Justify my thug?
It does not affect me much since I only see it when I look in the mirror. Life is a continous list of tasks that help to keep us from burning and looting, sometimes you just delay the tasks abit. I had a watch lost it - several times.
The news is something I watch on a case by case basis, unless I happen to see it as I pass. I don't know. There is voilence and crime everywhere but there are just some "endz" you don't want to go, at night or on sunday or anytime whatsoever.