I missed writing these odes to my coy princess but there is not enough time in the day. Or too much time - I am not sure. Nowadays there are easier distractions in which I might fall helplessly causing me to not pay pitance to the primary hobbies in life. Nothing is important or everything is important. We push on.
I was talking to someone who wanted to get into computing and "technology is changing the world etc. etc." Switch careers. And I told them to buy a book. Then I realized - after some point in the convo - that they like going to and being in school. I mean THEY REALLY LIKE BEING IN SCHOOL. All the time. If it makes you happy...
Everyone lives in their own world and their world lives with-in them. We are just getting by entertaining ourselves until at some point when the entertainment is not enough. You cannot see love through someone else's eyes - you just have to hope that they are satisfied with the eternal state of transition that is life. Change is certain like sand in an hour glass.
Controlling your own emotions is one of those things which let you live from day to day. It becomes more and more difficult the more factors that are involved. Hell is other people. You cannot have it all and all that you have is not a substitute for what you will become in the future. You are not in control of your future or the rain or the stars in the night sky.
I have been spending money at a rapid pace in the past couple months and yet still more to spend. Like trees in the rain forest still more to cut down. Never been upset at the things you survive - they are lessons that you should learn. Monkeys fall out of trees a lot before they learn to fly. Unless...
I need to finish up some drafts that I have waiting but it takes so long to put new words to paper that sometimes I leave them to simmer in my inbox hoping that I get a clearer picture before I drop it on deaf ears. The things your survive.
I had a fast and the furious moment last week when I came up a newly fixed bridge that was unpaved. The back of the car then proceeded to under/over steered as the unpaved road surface provided no traction as I rounded the corner. You can imagine the frantic movements that took place as the car lost control on what felt like skating on ice. And before you even say it I was not speeding. I never go much faster than the speed limit - much less rounding a corner. Worse that could happen is that I bang the car up in a way that would be hard to fix. Luckily and with heavenly mercy I managed to get the car back under control.
A near death situation is nothing new. Everyday is a jungle in one way or the other. If anything events like these only reaffirm what I already know about physics, life and finances. The never ending march toward chaos does not help anything either. Everyday is Christmas and every night a new years eve.
I have stuff to do and it is approaching my birthday - yet again. Putting myself in an awkward situation is not what I consider fun. But sometimes you have to take one for the team and just hope that you survive at the end of it all. Just another hurdle after hurdle - whatever people are complaining about now is just one step in a series of things that people will complain about late. People are short sighted.
The astonishing thing about the human experience is that you can only experience it at one time in one place. You cannot be in 2 places at once. Physics. Of course there is always pictures, videos and stories. But those are not really the same thing and if you think they are the same then you are only fooling yourself. You are a kid then you grow old. Certain experiences are only applicable for that time like that apple tree you climbed when you lived in the country. It is what it is because it existed in that time and lived in that place. All that is left are the memories. Make new memories.
As I was arriving late at work this morning a saw a women dressed full red. Themed up like an amusement park ride. I swore she put on everything red she had in her house. All she needed was a big red bag and sled to be Santa Clause. She was peering down at her phone as I walked by her without so much as a good morning. I saw her head pop up in the reflection of the door. She was clearly trying too hard. We are on a big rock spinning around a ball of fire. It is hard to dance with the devil on you back - shake him off.
You never know what experiences are going to affect someone so much that it changes them to the core of their inner being. You just have to hope that they come back out as a better person. "All that matters are the things you survive" is what I say most times. Because clearly it does not matter if you tried something and you died - so if you lived to tell the tale then it cannot be all that bad. Focus on making the rest of today better. Happy Valentines day.
I went out to get some fast food for lunch on a Friday. I am not sure how people are getting by with these prices. The fruit juice is half the price of the meal. The tax is half the price of the fruit juice. I tried drinking the juice without the plastic straw that they gave me - it was awkward at first - to be sipping gin and juice in public straight from the cup - but it is a small price to pay with the end goal of getting rid of every piece of single use plastic on the planet.
I have been doing the rounds more than usual. Meeting people and showing them charts. Programming software takes a whole lotta a time and effort. It keeps me up at night. Creating anything new in general takes time which is why most people avoid it. It is often a delicate balance of extreme focus and picking your battles wisely. If you are going to do something you might as well do it right or do not do it all. Incompetence is a stink that spreads quickly. There is no perfect system. No matter how good the techstack.
I went to a dance in the hills of Papine last weekend. By went I mean I was carried because I promised I would go. But if I had known my final destination I would not have ventured so far off road, up a hill. It was a real street dance, buy out the bar, 2 am and the party just a pickup, gal a dash out. I could see all the stars in the sky and by the time the police came to lock off the dance I had already seen all there was to see. I did come away with one observation: if the music is not a deafening levels the crowd gets really complacent like bored children with tics in dem batty. The only good system is a sound system.