The people project » Paparazzi 2
written by Tami, published 2007-Dec-18, comment
Caught on cam
#227, updated 2008-Mar-03, viewed 19123 times, view others.
SE commented: Hmm a Owen dat? You are quite a handsome guy! ... read 4 more
bobby answered: [innocent]....using my tongue ... read 7 more
written by Tami, published 2007-May-22, comment
Lalalala, Keep doing your thing, lalalalalala.
comment 16
owen commented: They let you out of rehab early? ... read 15 more
I feel crazy
written by Tami on 2007-May-13, Answer this question14
Hayo answered: I never really feel crazy. That's the whole problem :( ... read 13 more