Lesbians and boys
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written by Tami on 2008-Feb-03.

What do you think of when you see this pic?
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Page is part of The random photo journal in which you can submit your own photo
What do you think of when you see this pic?
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I ask myself why is the sign so poorly painted
by Gods Child 2008-Feb-04
Because it's the gay men not the lesbians who have the finely tuned sense of design [mocking]
by Mavis Banks 2008-Feb-09
I don't like lesbians.
by Stunner 2008-Feb-04
you just jealous that they get more pumpum than you.
by LongBench 2008-Feb-16
without invasion there can be no democracy. and democracy is the solution to everything, so I suggest regular and perlonged invasions of the muscular canal extending from the labia minora to the opening at the vulva - its best to withdraw your army before it gets too sticky and pissed at you for no reason. Obviously the woman in the picture is a communist and needs to be invaded for her own good.
by owen 2008-Feb-05
I see you are a Bushite in disguise.
by LongBench 2008-Feb-16
hahah, good one
by Tami 2008-Feb-06
She is against the war and she is making her point in a humourous way. Funny :)
by Mad Bull 2008-Feb-07