Jack Astors, Toronto
written by owen, published 2018-Sep-05, comment
Pictures of food, menus and snacks post a photo of your food
written by owen, published 2018-Aug-28, comment
Self serve ketchup, self serve sugar, napkins - everything. The only notable difference with Wendy's in Canada is the giant automatic self-server bit-coin based sugar and water machine that allows you to choose between 500 flavors/colours of sugar and water. It was impressive, seriously. It even let you choose how much ice you wanted.
written by owen, published 2017-Nov-19, comment
Kids on a handcart
The best of Jamaican street food
Spices and melon
written by owen, published 2017-Nov-14, comment
Who knew that deep fryers where so useful? I wonder what else I can put into it!