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Blog Jamaica » Hellshire Beach, St. Catherine, Sept 2020

written by owen, published 2020-Oct-01, comment

COVID rules meant no swimming or gathering but you can still buy food. I am not sure if its reopened as yet but I brought back pictures.

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Street Photography » Taking pictures in the jungle

photos by owen, published 2020-Oct-01, comment

Jamaica is not the optimum place to do street photography. Jamaicans are naturally suspicious about your motives. If I could travel more I would probably go to Japan, London or New York and be a tourist but now I am trying to be a tourist in my own country. I have taken street photos before but while on vacation which is easier because you are a tourist and people smell tourist on you.

I am constantly learning and testing new techniques for taking pictures like I am a hunter on safari in a wild jungle. These photos are shot at noon so the lighting is very harsh. In comparison to photos taken in overseas where the sky is always overcast. Added to that the urban landscape in Jamaica is not cluttered with tall buildings or elaborate structures so there is less opportunity of big sharp contrasty shadows that are prominent in most street photography.

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Low Life » Aug 2020

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-30, comment

St. Mary, Jamaica

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The shadow project » The deck in black and white

written by Owen, published 2020-Sep-29, comment

I've always liked contrast-y shadow pictures but I never really got into shooting in Black and White. I felt that I would lose-out on a cool colour photo if I switched my digital camera to a BW mode. But this new camera (Ricoh GR3) has a "High Contrast Black and white" filter so I switch over to it and what can I say? I can now and shoot in Raw+ mode enabling me to have the best of both worlds. Check out this pictures from Couples Tower Isle, St. Mary, Jamaica. Currently flooding my IG at owen_123xyz

Vines growing up the side of the rocks along the path to the deck over the sea.

Vines growing up the side of the rocks along the path to the deck over the sea.

There is this little walk way that leads to the deck where they have dinner at the hotel.

There is this little walk way that leads to the deck where they have dinner at the hotel.

The over hanging tree creates this silouette with contrasts with the bright white wood of the structure in the background.

The over hanging tree creates this silouette with contrasts with the bright white wood of the structure in the background.

Rock in the sea.  The waves around it plus the shadow cast by the tree above it make a awesome soup of grays.

Rock in the sea. The waves around it plus the shadow cast by the tree above it make a awesome soup of grays.

Wooden Rails

Wooden Rails

Window and rocks.  I added the window into the frame because I like the simplicity of a clean window profile.

Window and rocks. I added the window into the frame because I like the simplicity of a clean window profile.

Seaside rocks

Seaside rocks

View from the deck towards the Couples Tower Isle Hotel.

View from the deck towards the Couples Tower Isle Hotel.

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Office Space » Working late part 2

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-29, comment

I thought hmmm I could get some black and white practice out of this lighting. See if you can guess what all these objects are.

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