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Drive By » Grab one to go

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-22, comment

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The random photo journal » Playing with manual focus

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-22, comment

With a new camera (Ricoh GR3) comes many new options.

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The wheels project » High container

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-22, comment

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Street Photography » Kingston, hurdles

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-21, comment

Kingston's streets are filled with imperfections. You could be walking along merely then run into a random steal beam in the sidewalk that was left over from a previous structure. This is just how it is in the built-up areas. In the rural areas you rarely have sidewalks.

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And the Sign Says.. » Danger Jet Blast

written by owen, published 2020-Sep-21, comment

Since I was down by the airport I had to visit one of my favourite spots only to notice that they have changed the sign from risk of prosecution to a risk of death. I much prefer this one. I have seen it at a another international airport so it must be a new thing.

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