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Street Photography » Kingston 2020-Aug

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-13, comment

I rarely take portrait photos but sometimes its easier when passing people in motion. I could always crop the photo but I keep my editing to a minimum.

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Street Photography » Kingston 2020-Aug

photos by owen, published 2020-Sep-13, comment

For the inaugural post we are going to be buying juice from the lady at the road side. And as usual it is lunch time in Jamaica in the midday sun. The guy in the St Mary's shirt added a pop of colour which is always welcomed when taking pictures.

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Web development and code slavery (programming)

written by owen, published: 2020-Sep-06, read 2435 times.

The Jamaica photo project » Picking Ackee in the country

written by owen, published 2020-Aug-28, comment

You have to blanch these ackees or they turn to mush. I am not a fan of ackees but I do like fried breadfruit. Boiled breadfruit is trash.

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Logbook » Breathe Deeper

written by owen, published 2020-Aug-27, comment

I have been mulling over the new camera thing for like 6 months now. I even wrote 2 new articles in the technology section showing my lust for new kit. The technology section has not been updated in months which shows you how often I buy new tech. Some people buy random gadgets every week but I do not like the clutter of acquiring things I do not use frequently except for maybe old videogames.

I ordered some parts for my car online and my bank told me that I cannot use my card on any uncommon website unless I send them a list of websites I would like to purchase stuff from. This is the connected internet future. I have used the website before but between then and now something has changed and this is the problem with internet technology: the things that change are random, chaotic and constnat. The internet of things is worse than a secret society.

All things being equal you have to do something, keep moving forward, keep changing, keep being the same. Until you cant or you go on a short vacation. Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings' end. stuff like that. When I fill up my memory card I will start posting new pictures. I also need to reconfigure my website hosting too because I am going to need more gigs. Lots to do.

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Anonymous123 commented: I suggest you change banks. Visa/MC has policies in place to get your money back if anything shady happens. ... read more