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Logbook » Virtual Insanity

written by owen, published 2020-May-10, comment

Working from home is like a whole new level of boring. A level of that I not sure how long we can keep up. People invite me to Xoom meetings that I forget about. Luckily I have a second office that only has one door versus my main office with has 4 doors + an elevator. The work from home apocalypse has come in full force. The lack of traffic is nice but but it does not help much to drive fast only to end up at a place that has 50 people lining up at the entrance in the hot sun. This early summer holiday is driving me crazy and its has not rained in weeks.

I have separate projects that I work on at home - sometimes for hours at a time. These home projects are more complicated than the stuff I do at work. This makes the stuff I at home more fun because I can take more risks and leave it in the oven for longer times. So far everyday feels like a Friday and I am not sure why because I know its not Friday but it FEELS like Friday.

The older I get I realize that it is uneventful to talk about being happy. It is almost as if happiness is some sort of expensive cologne waiting to be knocked off the top of a high furniture, then crash on the hard floor of a life well wasted. People love drama, so we move from drama to drama looking for someone with which to share it.

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Blog Jamaica » St. Catherine, COVID Lockdown

written by owen, published 2020-Apr-24, comment

If you consider the population of Portmore and Spanish Town you should not be surprised that the few established businesses cannot support everyone at the same time. There is no going out early or waiting until the traffic runs off. Most of Portmore residents do not even do business in Portmore so you are bound to expect long lines at the major super markets and cambios.

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Jamaipanese commented: I'm guessing you survived the lockdown? ... read 2 more

The random photo journal » A menagerie of screenshots from a sideproject

written by owen, published 2020-Apr-16, comment

I rarely need to post any side projects on here because normally I could just go outside and take pictures but in these interesting times I have to resort to expanding my content pool. Here is a selection of 640x480 shots from a game I have been writing in the C programming language. The target platform is the Nintendo Wii and to answer you question; no I will not write an app so you can play it on your cellphone. Enjoy the colours.

Game development is a slow meticulous process and what you get out of it is this ball of stuff that some people like or they try it for 4 minutes and never play it again. It is certainly not a hobby for everyone and some people make games for a living. But for me I get enjoyment out of putting things together and research how to achieve certain effects.

Time is the biggest challenge, to find the time to do it - Betye Saar

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Logbook » Grace

written by owen, published 2020-Apr-04, comment

Often times people will try to catch me "mid-process" and be like "ahh ha caught you slipping!" Then be annoyed when I try to explain why I did what I did instead of something else. They will think I am merely coming up with an excuse. But in truth I have the ability to stop anything I am doing and shift focus to something else in an instant - to leave thing undone - live and let die. So to someone who is watching me keenly from the outside, this is nerve racking. Like driving without know if you are going crash. It is really hard to calculate why I would do or not do something that I had already started. While in my mind there are so many leaves in the tree and trees in the forest and little monkeys in those trees eating fruit. You have to learn to let go.

My surface area is pretty thin. Mostly by choice but it could also be destiny or luck or devine intervention or whatever - everything changes because it must. It could be a great irony and I am the star of the show. Even if you think its real it could change at any point. This is how life is - you just have to move forward with time and learn from your mistakes. Try to keep everything in line. Grace might have brought us here.

People often ask if I am nervous and I want to say to them that I only feel that way when someone like me gets murdered. But people would rather hear the simple answers to the obvious questions. People want you to play out the movies that they watch on television - they want the fiction to be real. Maybe they do not care about reality or reality is too boring. Maybe we get together to forget.

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Logbook » Little L

written by owen, published 2020-Mar-12, comment

Anyone who knows me knows that April is both the best month and worse month. In fact all months are pretty much the same but April is like peak oil or climate change - you just never know until its right up on you then it passes until it comes around again. But like all unavoidable the pressures that other people put on your own desire to free yourself from mental slavery - you simply must push through and resist the coming end of the world. But no Ebola can stop di scoa. We going to have to have jump in our gas masks and sweat off the fever. The Olympics must happen!

Whenever I tell people that I "almost" crash at least 4 times a day during my commute across Kingston they look at me puzzled as if I am driving in some kinda warzone or somewhere different from where they live. But the reality is that people tend to filter out the risks that they take on a daily bases and would rather focus on pleasantries that they used to enjoy as a child. Plantain tarts, your mom rubbing your back when you had a cold. We all live under ground.

The older I get I realize that it is uneventful to talk about being happy. It is almost as if happiness is some sort of weakness or expensive cologne waiting to be knocked of the top of a high piece of furniture only to then crash on the hard floor of a life well wasted. People love drama, so we move from drama to drama looking for someone to blame.

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