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The people project » Eaton Mall, Toronto

written by owen, published 2018-Sep-03, comment

Canada is flooded with people from many other countries such as Asians and India. It was hard for me to tell who is local versus who is a tourist. It appears that everyone is a tourist. I visited one mall which I will post later which was entirely populated with Asians - meaning the stores were the same, same KFC, shops etc but all the people walking around were of Asian decent. Then you have whole communities which are totally Indian.

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Tami commented: Kinda looks like the malls I visited in the Philippines. [smile] Glad to see that Uniqlo is in other countries too. ... read more

Pimp Juice » Stella Artois in Canada

written by owen, published 2018-Aug-29, comment

Where ever I go I ask about the beer and they said this was the best in Canada. Its different and lingers a bit more than Red Stripe.

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How do you love?

written by owen on 2018-Aug-29, Answer this question

Food and Eats » Wendys, Canada

written by owen, published 2018-Aug-28, comment

Self serve ketchup, self serve sugar, napkins - everything. The only notable difference with Wendy's in Canada is the giant automatic self-server bit-coin based sugar and water machine that allows you to choose between 500 flavors/colours of sugar and water. It was impressive, seriously. It even let you choose how much ice you wanted.

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And the Sign Says.. » Priority Seating

written by owen, published 2018-Aug-27, comment

When you are 5 hours early for a 4 hour flight, cant check in and the seat are basically none existent. I had no other choice but to improvise. Toronto Pearson Airport.

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