I thought it was a grammatical error at first or some kind of trick. Was about to report it to the authorities but as I got closer it was in fact encouraging people to walk on the grass. Shocking to say the least. These people must be backwards. However, they seem to be managing it because there were no signs of tracks in the grass anywhere and you know in Jamaica grass tracks form easy. Centre Island, Canada
Lots of skyscrapers and more going up even as I walk around. Expensive city with a an unlimited supply of condos. I did not get a chance to visit the CN tower but since it is a tourist magnet I can only imagine the long lines to get up there.
Whenever I am at a airport I always try to get rid of all my extra coins since foreign exchange cambios wont take them when you leave the country in which they are used. Canada's smallest paper note is a 5 dollar bill which leaves me in a spot. Luckily Starbucks had a cheese croissant for exactly the coinage I had left. It was good too. Canada is really big on the recycling thing as well. French and English everywhere.
In summer there is still a chill in the air. Winter must be super fun. They say its 3 islands but its more like one big island with 3 little rivers. For such a big park I am surprised there was not a single nuts-man hustling on the grounds.