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Logbook » Million Dollar Man

written by owen, published 2018-Apr-13, comment

My watch battery started to slow so I went into the indian owned store at the mall. The sales representative almost broke my watch trying to install the new battery while I was looking around the store for novelties. Most times you will find old video games and electronics that they keep for YEARS at the same price. I never understand how you can have a open box Sega Saturn on sale for nearly 23 years after it was released and still be trying to sell it for 200 USD. The box looks like they its been used for just as long but I know that is not the case because it is too high up on the shelves.

I probably should just buy a whole new watch. A nice simpler watch with a black face and white hands. Maybe that is why I am not in the retail business because if I had an item on the shelf for 15 to 20 years I would be looking to give it away to the first person that showed the slightest interest. New video games are expensive and they do not last long enough to be worth the cost.

I will definitely need some front shocks for my car really soon. It is a certainty and we all know that all the good roads have speed traps around the corner. I am still thinking about writing that "how to drive in Jamaica" article because there has been a rise in the number of people parking on blind corners.

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Logbook » Cool Girl

written by owen, published 2018-Mar-29, comment

Sometimes being in software development really rocks my boat to the point where it tips over and crashes on the rocks on the sea flour. MIS/ICT is not a magic carpet school bus ride. There is more ignorance than there is knowledge. They say sometimes you have to live and let die but I am not high enough to stay high all the time. It takes a whole lot of time and effort to get things going and when things do not work the way you expect you either have to find a quick solution. Or just hope the ugly expensive ducklings die quietly.

I am not easily impressed. In fact it might be easier to simply avoid even trying. It will turn out better in the long run. I straddle several worlds at the same time. I am the laziest, most productive time waster you could probably ever know. If you ask me I would tell you that you are wasting your time with a quickness that would help me avoid wasting my own time telling you that you are wasting your time. And at the same time I might say that you could get better if you keep at it. But right now I am not so sure it isnt trash.

I do not know if pain is a path to more pleasure. That sounds like someone trying to explain away life's tragedies. It is better to embrace them. My general point is that if and when a tree falls in the forest we as human beings will certainly get crushed. Some of us will survive and move to stand under another tree, and another and another. Trees will even grow up and fall. Until in the end we all are standing under so many trees that any tree in the forest that falls will certainly fall on someone's head. Why? Because we hate standing in the sun.

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Whiskey Alpha commented: Off topic. This link says to me that you were ahead of your time. Now its being sold as a complete sandwich ... read 1 more

The random photo journal » Weekend DIY

written by owen, published 2018-Mar-20, comment

When you live in the tropics and you have to park your car outside you can be certain that the sun is going reek havoc on all the little plastic parts especially on the outside of the car. So this weekend's DIY project is to respray some clear coat on my fading spoiler. Its not going to be as good as factory but I had already tested a small section (as instructed on the can) to see how it would look and it looks good enough. The main purpose is to stop the lacker/varnish/clear from receding all the way to the edge where it would be much harder to manage.

Removing the plastics at the back of the car is not a option that I would want to take on and if you know anything about cars and "clips" there is most certainly always one stubborn clip. I am not in the mode to damage any of them. So spraying it while it is still on the car is the best bet.

Some might say to take it to a professional but my prior experience with body work taught me enough to know that it is a incredible was of time and money. Plus this DIY is easy enough, its not as if I am respraying the whole car.

p.s extra points if you can guess which in country the car was made.

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Young people, shut-up and build stuff

written by owen, published: 2018-Mar-16, read 3483 times.

Jam commented: I can so relate to this! ... read more

Logbook » Likes

written by owen, published 2018-Mar-15, comment

I am always moving toward a simpler way of life. There is no need to rush to the top of the pile of failure. I like to get things done as efficiently as possible. I do not see the point of doing anything if you are not actively seeking a better way to do it. I want more out of less. An old motto I used regularly was "functionality over design, simplicity over art". There is a tonne of over engineered technology out there of late that is doing nothing more than wasting your time.

One day when I was high school I bought 2 bun and cheese just to see what it felt like. On 99% of the days I could only afford to buy one but on that day I had managed to amass enough cash to buy two. Buy 2 bun and cheese was a long time dream of mind at the time but I never really got around to it until that day. I am not sure how it sprang into my head but I finally did it. Even the shop keeper was puzzled because if you buy 2 buns you probably need 2 drinks as well. Inflating your expenses in lock step with your income. But this one not that kind of day.

I returned to the safety of my class room and ate them both in full view of a small audience. If you are going to splurge you might as well splurge out in the open - I figured. I was always a meticulous saver. "Waste not, want not" was the old saying. But my love of bun and cheese compelled me into this little experiment. By the time I was done I came to the conclusion that 2 bun and cheese does not really make you twice as happy at the end of the day. It was however a memorable experience which everyone should try at some point in their life.

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mad bull commented: Hah hah hah hah hah hah hah!!! Very funny! You mussi did bind up! ... read more