Review - Hitman - Absolution - Xbox 360
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written by owen on 2025-Feb-08.

I was playing Assassin's Creed 2 but my Xbox350E started acting up again - shutting down everytime it tried to read the disc drive. So I popped in a new disc and gave the power supply a few quick taps and it stayed on. I think something is wrong with the power supply - I need to buy a new one at some point.
HitmanA is good. The graphical style is nice and the UI has more buttons that I remember from the PS2 versions. I haven't played them in years so my memory of them might be a bit foggy. I loved HM:BloodMoney and this feels pretty close except with quicktime CQC events. I am playing the game on easy as I mentioned in my overall xbox360 game play strategy. Easy mode makes you a tank but you miss out on the ingame challenges so I will replay each stage on normal after I beat them on easy.
What can I say about Hitman:AB? It is the bomb. The large crowds, cinematic set pieces, shadow filled rooms, the lights, the sound, the chaos when things go sideways, everything really gets turned up compared to the limitations of HM:BM on the PS2. Currently on level 3 but I am fully enjoying this game. So much so that I switched the difficulty to Normal so that I can take advantage of the optional in game challenges in each level. The controls are initially a bit confusing but all the elements are there for a great time. I have replayed the stages a few times and I love that when things go south you can still shoot, salvage or soft reset the level.
I had heard complaints about the more controlled "movie like" nature of this game in comparison to the previous entries but I do not mind it at all. The segmented sections allow for setups that were not possible in the older games. Setups which are like mini-puzzles in a bigger level.
One thing that is annoying is how the xbox achievement pops up at key moments during the game play taking you out of the game. Sometimes the popup even overlaps and you do not get to read the description text before another one appears. Maybe this is just an xbox thing. I eventually turned off xbox notifications of in the system settings - I do not miss them at all.
This is a 9/10 game. Nice and neat. Loads quickly, restarts are quick. Play hitman for the doors and corners. Normal mode is fine. If you love slow paced stealth games this should definitely be in your collection.
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