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written by owen on 2016-May-12.
The funny thing about mid-size airplanes is that just before landing you can hear a loud "thud" when the landing gear pops out of the under carriage. Freaks all the first time flyers out. lol. But this is normal and happens with the bigger airplanes as well except its just harder to hear it in the cabin. :)
Everyone gets a sweet before take off and they really don't care about seat numbers as long as everybody is seated. Do not be upset if a Cuban refuses to let you sit in your assigned seat number - just find another one - she probably has a relative coming on the flight with her.

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they need to assign seats at checking, when you are boarding is not nice, sometimes you are travelling with your family and everyone is seated separated, really bad thing , and also they need female cabin attendant, at least one, always are the same old men.
by niky 2018-Apr-05
and they need to be more respectful to the clients, sometimes they left you luggage in Jamaica because "NOT SPACE" and know about it once you reach Cuba, they sometimes skip the checking line at the airport when those Cubans also known as MULAS reach for the checking , they are treated as VIP, very disrespectful
by niky 2018-Apr-05