

  1. The placement and useage of words does not calculate.
    White girls and fresh of the boat -- No no

    i think you meant latino's fresh off the boat

    White people either own boats or book ships.

    by Tami 2010-Aug-19 

  2. You are right, they were Latin or German, not white. I guess I generalized a bit on that one.

    by owen 2010-Aug-19 

  3. anyone out of sync with the local culture, having just arrived, is fresh off the boat
    and people of any race and culture can own boats and/or book ships

    by God Child 2010-Aug-20 

  4. Thats what I thought too but I guess nowadays they have more options

    by owen 2010-Aug-20 

  5. Are the prices for Likkle Wata still ridiculous at the Boston, Portland Jerk Festival?

    by Aurie 2010-Aug-19 

  6. yup, 100 to a 150 JMD per bottle. such is the nature of events. hustling

    by owen 2010-Aug-19 
