Kingston, Sep 2022
photos by owen, published 2023-Feb-07, comment
There is a saying that I like from the movie countryman that everyday is a fishing day but not everyday is a catching day. But this day thing were popping out of the wood work.

Mostly in Jamaica. Mostly outside in public. Mostly candid. submit street photo
photos by owen, published 2023-Feb-07, comment
There is a saying that I like from the movie countryman that everyday is a fishing day but not everyday is a catching day. But this day thing were popping out of the wood work.
photos by owen, published 2023-Feb-01, comment
All the photos from the last 3 posts are from the same day 09-09-2022. I took about 150 photos that friday evening. At 4:15pm yhe light was hitting everybody, lots of people, the shadows were long - it was just a good day for street in Jamaica. usually I only get 1 good set of pictures from a day of shooting but this day was legendary.
photos by owen, published 2023-Jan-30, comment
I wanted add these 2 extra vertical shots I missed on my last set because even though I missed focus on the thing I actually wanted to shoot there ends up being some interesting details in the background that I totally ignored in the confusion of reviewing the 150 pictures I took that day. This is one of the reasons I dont burst fire - you end up with too many pictures in post.
photos by owen, published 2023-Jan-28, comment
Welcome to the september set of photos. It felt like I took a million photos in August (which I did) but this month I will be more aggressive in how I cull my pictures.
photos by owen, published 2023-Jan-25, comment
When you are out on the streets there are some shots which are so rare that you will only see them once in your life time. You are either ready or you are not.
Not ready
Ready but driving