written by owen, published 2004-Sep-01, comment

The good old days. Strider, Donkey Kong classics, Megman 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Legend of Zelda from back in the day when it was more about the game than the graphics.
random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo
written by owen, published 2004-Sep-01, comment
The good old days. Strider, Donkey Kong classics, Megman 3, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Legend of Zelda from back in the day when it was more about the game than the graphics.
michael halvorsen commented: nothing can top the teenage mutant ninja turtles. ... read 2 more
written by owen, published 2004-Aug-20, comment
When you live in the topics and then venture off to New York or some other none tropical country, you grow to appreciate and even miss the clear blue sky. And yes it hot out here, freaking hot at that but I would trade in cold winter nights for a frying pan any day. At least you can get away from it in the shade but not the cold. The cold is every where. I might have liked snow but I don't think it's worth it at all.
michael halvorsen commented: i don't mind the cold & the winter here in ohio. the weather really varies here. i would like to travel to the tropics soon again, and most likely will within the next 2 years. its all a state of mind. i don't really like the cold or the snow, but at times, it can be beautiful. it all depends on how you feel and whats going on. i hate waking up in the morning and starting my car after i get out of the shower & get dressed. i don't like waking up and leaving the house when its snowing to go to school or work, but when i don't have to be anywhere but home, the snow is beautiful. i can lay on the couch next to the patio door and fall alseep looking out. i can wake up, get dressed, and go outside and play in the snow (yeah, i'm 18:). everything is relative & a state of mind. ... read 4 more
written by Yamfoot, published 2004-Jul-07, comment
Taken in the yard of my recently deceased Gran's house in Lucea, western Jamaica.
Mad Bull commented: Wait! Isn't that... I'm sure thats.... It is... Its the Angry Dog! ... read 2 more
written by Yamfoot, published 2004-Jul-07, comment
It used to be used by the British regiment in St Kitts. Lovely views all around.
owen commented: that's the first picture that in which the bottom section was white but it looks pretty sharp none-the-less what kinda camera you packing? ... read 3 more
written by Yamfoot, published 2004-Jul-07, comment
The best beach in Grenada. Three miles of white sand beach and crystal clear water.
mike commented: that's so *ing pretty. I want to live where you do. ... read 4 more