
The random photo journal, page 22

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

Hair Cut Price List 2

written by owen, published 2010-Apr-06, comment

prices for boy trim have increased since last time.

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owen commented: don't they have smaller heads? [sceptical] ... read 2 more

Prego Sauce

written by owen, published 2010-Mar-01, comment

I wonder if it tastes like ketchup?

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Gods Child commented: it tastes nothing like ketchup but you can probably make better stuff at home yourself ... read 1 more

One of my all time favourite albums

written by owen, published 2010-Jan-28, comment

Slow, and smooth like chocolate. Full of mood and soul like a old sofa.

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Gods Child commented: new single sounds a little too constructed-not smooth enough ... read 10 more

Eyes for U Only

written by Jamila, published 2009-Nov-04, comment

Friendly kitty I met on my school trip to James Bond Beach, Oracabessa St. Mary.

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Gods Child commented: remarkably clean for a stray isn't it? ... read 4 more


written by Jamila, published 2009-Oct-10, comment

This was taken at an event in Barbados called Cohobblopot, which is part of our Crop Over activities. Crop Over is like a carnival seasons with many events occurring. It was from back in the day when slaves used to celbrate the end of the sugar cane "crop" season.

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