written by owen, published 2008-Apr-16, comment

Everynow and then I'll lend out my camera ( a canon powershot sd600) and people will try to bring me back a picture that they think is fitting for me to upload to my website. This one is by Ian.
random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo
written by owen, published 2008-Apr-16, comment
Everynow and then I'll lend out my camera ( a canon powershot sd600) and people will try to bring me back a picture that they think is fitting for me to upload to my website. This one is by Ian.
id commented: carry back that pic and tell them to give u one more interesting ... read more
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-29, comment
It happens. Nothing turns me of more that women with hair attachments. I mean its nice to hold onto and in somecases improves the value of the stock. But I like to wake up with what I went to bed with.
Stunner commented: LOL!!!!! Good point [smile] ... read 7 more
written by owen, published 2008-Mar-16, comment
Its been a fun ride. Over looking the back section of UTECH and FSL. March 7, 2008.
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owen commented: naw, fiscal. ... read 11 more
written by Vaughn McCubbin, published 2008-Feb-24, comment
Was driving off Red Hills Rd. and saw this being advertised on the back of a car... the only thing is...what's the dress code???
Gods Child commented: the really hottt outfit that you put together for a party last year and all your friends remember it so you can't wear it again well now's your big chance ... read 6 more
written by Tami, published 2008-Feb-03, comment
What do you think of when you see this pic?
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Tami commented: hahah, good one ... read 11 more