
Simplenigma's profile , page 2

#251, updated 2008-Jun-15, viewed 19306 times, view others.

The Jamaica photo project » Lime Cay Sunset

written by Simplenigma, published 2007-Jun-04, comment

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Taken in August 2003, Lime Cay, JA

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Leon commented: Nice photo! ... read 3 more

The random photo journal » I've Got Him In The Palm of My Hand

written by Simplenigma, published 2007-Jun-04, comment

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There are those rare, fleeting moments when you feel like you have the upper hand in a relationship/liaison. This was one of those lasted all of 2 hours...

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owen commented: with a hand like that I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. He should get a medal of honor. ... read 11 more

If you had the power to eliminate one animal or insect from the world forever, which would you choose?


written by Simplenigma on 2007-Jun-04, Answer this question14

Gods Child answered: bees I am allergic ... read 13 more

If you were offered the opportunity to have the most unbelievably happy year of your life (immeasurable happiness), knowing that it would be followed by a very painful death, would you still take it?

Why or why not?

written by Simplenigma on 2007-May-31, Answer this question3

owen answered: you just love the long and whinding questions don't you? I say too much of one thing is never good. So I wouldn't take it. I'll continue to ride the rollacoaster of my life. ... read 2 more

If you could be a fly on the wall for any conversation, past or present, which would you choose?


written by Simplenigma on 2007-May-29, Answer this question9

Stunner answered: I man nuh inna no eavesdropping, and if I was a fly on the wall I would be far outa harms way! ... read 8 more