Forgot the name of these trees
photos by owen, published 2022-Aug-09, comment
I dont remember the name of this tree but ts everywhere in Jamaica. And when it comes out it comes way out. This one is in New Kingston.

(botany) a living organism lacking the power of locomotion Submit a picture
photos by owen, published 2022-Aug-09, comment
I dont remember the name of this tree but ts everywhere in Jamaica. And when it comes out it comes way out. This one is in New Kingston.
photos by owen, published 2022-May-31, comment
So called "Blackie" mango in Jamaica.
photos by owen, published 2022-Apr-15, comment
I was standing under this tree for shade one week and the following week they butched all the extra branches. I figured it was because it was close to a utility wire but the guys who trim these trees do no have an tact about them. Trees are being cut down all over to make way for roads and wires.