written by owen, published 2007-Aug-31, comment

Its business as usual after the huricane. I call this one atomic bomb cloud
comment 4
Pictures of the sky and sometimes the tree outside submit a photo of the sky
written by owen, published 2007-Aug-31, comment
Its business as usual after the huricane. I call this one atomic bomb cloud
comment 4
Tami commented: Before i read what you wrote, i thought the same thing. ... read 3 more
owen commented: I love the rain. I'm only happy when it [url]http://owensoft.net/v4/item/210/[caption]rains[/url] ... read 1 more
written by Gods Child, published 2007-Jul-26, comment
hmmmm, there seems to be something obscuring your view.
Taken at the Field Museum, downtown Chicago.
comment 4
owen commented: yup, good effort. its hard to get a good sky pic in a country where you can't see the sun because of all the smug ... read 3 more