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Blog Jamaica » Puerto Seco Beach Wall

written by owen, published 2018-Nov-02, comment

Beach walls are a common scene in Jamaica as property owners try to keep undesirables from their pay-to-enter beach properties. It not really an effective tool but merely an eye sore. Eventually every beach will have some kind of entrance fee because it is a simple case of capitalism. I think the only beach that is not walled off at the property lines is the seven mile beach.

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And the Sign Says.. » Sheraton

written by owen, published 2018-Oct-23, comment

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And the Sign Says.. » Photography Dr

written by owen, published 2018-Oct-19, comment

Glimpsed this sign while stuck in traffic in Niagara Falls.

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The shadow project » Gas station

written by owen, published 2018-Oct-13, comment

In Canada they only show one price and its the highest price of all the pumps.

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Logbook » A man for all seasons

written by owen, published 2018-Oct-11, comment

I often surprised by the number of things that I can do but I am not doing for one reason or the other. Not to mention the things I could have done but did not. All the things you say. I live in a minefield of my own creation. Obviously. I have to do something and in my world "nothing" is a valid move as long as I can avoid regretting it. In the long run all that matters is what you give away for free and what you survive.

I am almost done with the car repair. All I need now is some new tires as I travel the land of Tiidas and potholes. Hopefully the tires fix the last main nagging issue. Old car issues are inescapable. Old cars are naturally moving towards a state of chaos. All the parts want to separate like a sand castle on a beach at high tide. The best way to keep old cars together is to not drive them at all but at that point you might as well sell it.

If its raining at lunch time and I forced to leave work there is a high chance that I might go home. When it rains. Everything becomes more chaotic. Luckily on this occasion I ended up downtown assuming that I would have better luck and easier parking. The parking was not perfect but the rain did let up so I threw on my pink poncho and headed out into the unknown food court full of customer service reps.

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