On the menu » Tastee - May 2018
written by owen, published 2018-May-11, comment
Always remember that fries are done to order!
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written by owen, published 2018-May-11, comment
Always remember that fries are done to order!
written by owen, published 2018-May-08, comment
The problem with this menu is that all the pictures are the same size though in reality the burgers are of varying sizes. And the prices are in tiny fonts too. New kingston.
Jamrock commented: long time nuh eat a burger, Jah know.... bae kfc ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2018-May-05, comment
I am back in NK again. Behind the sagicor building in HDR
written by owen, published: 2018-May-02, read 2739 times.