How come there is not a feminine form of "womanizer"?
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written by I Heart Daft Punk on 2008-Jul-09.
Women have casual relationships with multiple men too, y'know.
This is an outrage...I will have to contact Webster's/Oxford immediately!
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LOL! I totally agree! How is Manizer?
by Stunner 2008-Jul-09
That's the first word to pop in everybody's head stunner:P
by Gordon Swaby 2008-Jul-10
how about maneater?
by Gods Child 2008-Jul-10
By definition, a maneater could also be a hungry bear in the forest, or a lion in the jungle (or a homosexual). LOL.
by I Heart Daft Punk 2008-Jul-10
That's all I wanted to say, until word press had me add more words.
by Cranky Putz 2008-Jul-10
Y'know, CP...that is really what they call a woman who has casual relationships with multiple men. How come men get some civilized name and women have to content themselves with "ho"?
*sucks teeth*
by I Heart Daft Punk 2008-Jul-10
How about slut, matey, mattress, easy gyal, leggo beast, freak? There are more out there too, but I'd have to think on it.
by mad bull 2008-Jul-11
by I Heart Daft Punk 2008-Jul-14
I always thought of you as somewhat of a jezebel [indifferent]
by owen 2008-Jul-11
LOL...Only on the weekends.
by I Heart Daft Punk 2008-Jul-14
Daft Punk, exactly why they should be called it in return, I for my part am using the word as much as I can in refernce to nefarious men.
by Cranky Putz 2008-Jul-11
here it is LIBERATED WOMAN!!!!
by bobby 2008-Jul-29