June 2021
photos by owen, published 2021-Nov-17, comment
out and about. Not particularly sharp photos in this set but I still working on gettting my backlog clear so that I can experiment with new strategies.

Mostly in Jamaica. Mostly outside in public. Mostly candid. submit street photo
photos by owen, published 2021-Nov-17, comment
out and about. Not particularly sharp photos in this set but I still working on gettting my backlog clear so that I can experiment with new strategies.
photos by owen, published 2021-Oct-07, comment
Taking some pictures on the beach right before a 2pm lock down on a Sunday. Watching a couple rush out of the water as a police boat comes to check if people are swimming illegally. It was hilarious to watch how reality crosses into a parallel universe. I snapped some shots of clothes on wires trying to practice my layers and I be out of there before the police raid the place and block the exits.
see that dumb light tower?
photos by owen, published 2021-Sep-28, comment
Typical day in the hot sun in Coronation Market, Kingston. Or is it corination? hmmm