Sweet Peppers 2
written by owen, published 2012-Feb-24, comment

the labels kinda spoil the picture
random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo
Gods Child commented: absolutely. They were fine without the labels. Like people. ... read more
written by owen, published 2012-Feb-14, comment
There is nothing like having the right tool for the job. I can't tell you the amount of time I wasted as a youth trying to cut wires with my teeth. Though my teeth were much sharper and stronger then but think of the amount of time that I would have saved if I had a good sharp blade. I guess I would have probably lost a finger or worst. Tools and opposable thumbs are great.
(in the background you can see the wires for my car radio that I recently changed, more pics of that later)
written by owen, published 2012-Feb-07, comment
I am thinking of start a new photo project (yes I know I have soooo many already! ) But one more can't hurt? I need to check my web server to seem how much space is left on there. But I am thinking of call this one; "Signs of the Times". What do you think? yay or nay?
Aurie commented: i say go for it...i like the idea ... read more
written by Jammy, published 2012-Jan-18, comment
Black and yellow...black and yellow...
add comment 10
Gods Child commented: my little cousin once interpreted the lyrics as "black and ghetto" as he found them difficult to decipher ... read 9 more