Tough Luck
written by owen, published 2011-May-13, comment

Dog nyam you supper.
random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo
Aurie commented: wow! dat ruff!! reeeeeeeeeal ruff!!!! ... read 5 more
written by owen, published 2011-Mar-15, comment
A co-worker bought a puppy from another co-worker in some kinda black market deal but what I discovered is that puppy will never pee in its box and it will cry and squeal until you take him out. Then he will proceed to pee under you desk.
Tami commented: awww, what's its name? ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jan-10, comment
I wasn't joking when I said mandeville was COLD!
Tami commented: hahaha! That you under the sheets? ... read 1 more
written by owen, published 2011-Jan-10, comment
I had to buy a new toothbrush prematurely since I forgot my in Mandeville, breaking the chain. The small one is a temporary electronic tooth brush that would freeze up any time it came into contact with actual teeth. My old one.
written by owen, published 2011-Jan-10, comment
Its was really cold in Manchester over the Christmas. REALLY COLD!
mad bull commented: A weh yu get dem slippaz deh, dawdie? A which color dat? Leopardi? [laugh] ... read 2 more