
The random photo journal, page 10

random pictures, taken by people with little stories attached. submit your own photo

A Visitor

written by Mad Bull, published 2006-Dec-04, comment

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Seen wandering and snacking on tidbits in the vacant lot next door to where I live in Grand Cayman.

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owen commented: Slightly stretched to the right. don't mind the size requirements as long as its bigger than 500x375(it auto resizes). ... read 5 more

Sakura no hana

written by Gods Child, published 2006-Dec-01, comment

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Because it has been unseasonably warm in New York this November, look! suddenly, Cherry blossoms!

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Leon commented: Nice. Good pic. ... read 5 more


written by owen, published 2006-Nov-20, comment

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Old pic. Pretty isn't it? Anybody know this location? Took this picture back in 2004_09_02. Spice already know so she's not eligible.

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Leon commented: Nice shot. Where is it from? ... read 13 more

bag the pc

written by owen, published 2006-Aug-13, comment

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hey, lets wrap the computers in garbage bags so the hurricane can't use the internet.2004_09_09

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jane22 commented: that's why we still have issues down there the hurricane couldn't e-mail fema and tell them that the city (new orleans) would need them. ... read more

who likes organic?

written by michael_halvorsen, published 2006-Jul-24, comment

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Do you believe in organic food?

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Stunner commented: I guess it is better that all the fertilizer and pesticide grown foods. Natural is always better. But in these harsh economic times, my pocket can only afford the non-organic foods. ... read 3 more