
The Jamaica photo project, page 3

Visit the far corners of the island, deep rural areas and cities and return safely with the pictures. submit your own photo


written by owen, published 2004-Nov-28, comment

People like to visit jamaica for the ice products if for nothing else.

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Tourist 2

written by owen, published 2004-Nov-28, comment

People like to visit jamaica. These people from observation seem to be from england because only foreigners would wear a neon green or a neon yellow suit. well mostly.

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solitaire commented: LOL @ neon suit! Greetings owen, this be solitaire hailing from the T-dot, otherwise known as TORONTO!! Great website you have here. The layout is simply gorgeous. Well, this half Jamaican (I bawn here inna Canada) blogs at her own spot, check me out! -soli ... read more


written by owen, published 2004-Nov-20, comment

In New Hingston, the big orange building is Hilton Kingston. Emancipation Park is in the fore ground. I'll will get a picture of the statue in the park at some point.

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Mathias Bynens commented: Great photograph! Love the colours. ... read 17 more

Clear blue sky

written by owen, published 2004-Oct-31, comment

Does not matter where you are in jamaica there is nothing like a clear blue sky. You can't have too many cloud pictures (photo matt).

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lameo commented: Dude... com on man ... read 1 more

Looking Fine

written by Karen Shrosbery, published 2004-Oct-02, comment

Shaniele and Joniele Williams
Bunkers Hill Trelawny.
Jan 2002

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