
BodyShots, page 3

random photos of tattoos, feet and stuff submit a bodyshot


written by owen, published 2012-Sep-21, comment

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Font Hill Beach Park. Some of the worst sand ever.


Feets in Bdos

written by owen, published 2012-May-16, comment

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Look at them skinny toes!


On a beach

written by owen, published 2012-Apr-19, comment

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In Barbados. I am on vacation digging a hole in the sand. Why you ask? Its a reverse sand castle. Entropy is inevitable.

comment 3

Sexy Jeans

written by owen, published 2011-Mar-15, comment

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High like a skyscraper.


Di Realest Bodyshot!

written by mad bull, published 2011-Jan-23, comment

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I saw somewhere that you had tagged photos that go into this category as soft porn. Well, when I look at this photo, it makes me think ALL kinds of naughty thoughts, so I figure it qualifies...

comment 3

owen commented: I have no idea where you could have seen that. why is that girl wearing blue shoes, omg, the nerve. ... read 2 more