What have you lost at the beach?
written by owen on 2009-Jul-27, Answer this question4
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mad bull answered: My virginity... No, just kidding. I never lost my virginity , I threw it away. Where ? In a girl's bathroom, on the floor. What did I lose @ the beach now... Maybe MBJr's slippers... thats the only thing I can think of now. ... read 3 more
Are we really happy as a people, and if we are why??
written by ESTEBAN AGOSTO REID on 2009-Jul-08, Answer this question11
RB answered: After reading the question I had to find out who did the research. Turns out to be an organization in the UK. Anyway. I am not sure,how do they measure happiness and if Jamaica rank third I am guessing it is relative to other places less happy? knowing my country the way I do. I am not sure ... read 10 more
written by Tami on 2009-Jun-29, Answer this question16
Gods Child answered: I try not to think about it. That's just icky. Are people in such short supply? Or is your friend just a chew them up spit them out kind of boyfriend mill? Then maybe you need to run in a new set. ... read 15 more
Some romantic relationships experience a point where unwelcome phone calls disturb the peace, or the war, whatever. . .what should one do about them?
A good friend received a phone call from a female, explaining some things that the boyfriend later denied. Good friend is pretty far along, pregnant for boyfriend.
How should she handle it? What would you do?
written by Gods Child on 2009-Jun-29, Answer this question5
Tami answered: Abort the child and pour hot oil down his ears while he sleeps or she could try confronting him and if he denies then take next step of having a 3 way conversation with the female the bf and the 'good friend'. If the situation is to no avail, let it be and wait till 2 years later and poison him making sure she and the child is already in the will. I'm just saying [sorry] ... read 4 more
Stunner answered: It hot nuh r...!!! ... read 3 more