What's the closest you've ever come to dying?
written by Kaschief on 2006-Apr-28, Answer this question9
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written by Kaschief on 2006-Apr-28, Answer this question9
Charles answered: Well, when I was a small child an operation was being performed to remove my tonsils and I had an out of body experience. I totally floated out of my body... I was able to see the doctor performing the operation from above his head. After the operation I was able to give an exact description of the instruments used during the operation...the doctor was in Shock and Awe!! ... read 8 more
Cause i have a few, so who`s on ur mind???
written by Bigz on 2006-Apr-22, Answer this question17
Kaschief answered: Apart from those I've already slept with, I wouldn't mind sleeping with Denise Richards, Mariah Carey and Tyra Banks. ... read 16 more
something that would make it better
written by owen on 2006-Apr-19, Answer this question8
Kaschief answered: It would be unethical to say "more porn". So, I will take the moral highroad and say "less porn". ... read 7 more
I mean really, whats the point.
written by owen on 2006-Apr-13, Answer this question1
jane22 answered: I don't know but I think it's because we are like deep down really afraid to have what we want so we just wish for what ever. ... read more
As in the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action. Why?
written by owen on 2006-Apr-12, Answer this question3
Gods Child answered: I’m not so good at staying the course with work, study, men, hobbies i.e. playing the guitar—any instrument at all. When it starts to get hard, I quit. Yeah, I’m a quitter. In everything. I want to quit my job. I just like a fresh start—I like when things are shiny and new. I guess that’s why it hurt so much when this guy I was seeing dumped me about a month ago. I was all set to stick to it, and be in it for the long haul even though he was going through a rough patch. It hurt so bad not so much because of who he was (even though he was a nice guy) but because I was thwarted in my efforts to be committed. Rats! Foiled again! ... read 2 more