Are the birds dying?
I'm just wondering. Especially since someone brought it up.
written by owen on 2006-Apr-10, Answer this question3
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I'm just wondering. Especially since someone brought it up.
written by owen on 2006-Apr-10, Answer this question3
Gracie answered: Well bird flu has just arrived here in the UK so maybe a few more than usual! ... read 2 more
because i cant get motivated and i cant figure out why....
written by laura on 2006-Mar-30, Answer this question13
owen answered: You need to sit more to the front of the class. That usually works. Just do it. ... read 12 more
For saving and stuff. And where would acquire said bricks.
written by owen on 2006-Mar-22, Answer this question2
laura answered: no! i would try and covert it into beautiful shoes and a nicer car. ... read 1 more
written by FLACA on 2006-Mar-10, Answer this question14
Gracie answered: I work with a few men and only one of which is not, nor has he ever cheated on his wife. The rest of them laugh and joke about it. "If it's a different postcode, it's not cheating!" They all seem to sleep at night so it must be something they are born with. ... read 13 more
Rules, rules, rules. Sometimes? every now and then?
written by owen on 2006-Mar-10, Answer this question8
Gracie answered: I break mine every year and then make new ones. Maybe this year my one of my rules should be to keep the others. ... read 7 more