
Gods Child's profile , page 6

#206, updated 2007-Aug-10, viewed 12456 times, view others.

How long would you stay at your job if you could be guaranteed the salary you want plus the benefits you need but would have to do very boring and repetitive work?

If you could be guaranteed you would find a new job within a month that paid about the same but had a very different yet equally repetitive assignment, would you leave?

written by Gods Child on 2009-Nov-09, Answer this question13

Tami answered: As long as i can put up with it. Everyone has a breaking point, when you get there, you'll know. Money isn't everything. ... read 12 more

unwelcome phone calls, sex, lies and video tape?

Some romantic relationships experience a point where unwelcome phone calls disturb the peace, or the war, whatever. . .what should one do about them?

A good friend received a phone call from a female, explaining some things that the boyfriend later denied. Good friend is pretty far along, pregnant for boyfriend.

How should she handle it? What would you do?

written by Gods Child on 2009-Jun-29, Answer this question5

Tami answered: Abort the child and pour hot oil down his ears while he sleeps or she could try confronting him and if he denies then take next step of having a 3 way conversation with the female the bf and the 'good friend'. If the situation is to no avail, let it be and wait till 2 years later and poison him making sure she and the child is already in the will. I'm just saying [sorry] ... read 4 more

Should I allow my cousin to bring an unnamed, undescribed guest to my wedding?

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Fights are breaking out in my immediate family over this. I think no. Other people have other opinions.
All I know is I've been starving to save for this wedding. She can go to hell.

written by Gods Child on 2009-Apr-29, Answer this question18

Stunner answered: It's your wedding, your rules, full stop! ... read 17 more

Pimp Juice » new leaf blue tea

written by Gods Child, published 2008-Oct-10, comment

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with pure cane sugar
this is rare
usually it's high fructose corn syrup
which I am allergic to

comment 2

owen commented: one small blurry picture. did you take it with you cellphone? ... read 1 more


if your significant other wants to go see a superhero movie that you think is awful (and has the most flagrant perpetration of CGI possible) and you don't feel like going, should you still be expected to go?

What if you picked the last movie you both watched but your SO also wanted to see that movie?

What if your SO picked the last movie before that and although you didn't really feel that excited about it you still went and it was surprisingly good?

written by Gods Child on 2008-Jun-23, Answer this question9

Pepper answered: if its not my thing i wudnt go...he doesnt have to always go to the movies with me. like i dont watch horror movies, he loves em. he knows better than to ask me to go watch one. likewise i dont ask him to come see chick flicks. we watch them on cable, or i watch and he falls asleep halfway thru... i'll watch fighting or other type of action movies with him if its his pick, just not horror ... read 8 more