Buying Xbox 360 games - Round 2
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written by owen on 2025-Feb-15.

I am not sure how I discovered TVGC but I was actively looking for a way in which I could buy a bundle of games in one package so they could be shipped together in one package - instead of individually - which amazon tends to do. Shipping all the games together at once should save on shipping costs. Either way it worked out, the website is easy to use and I got my second set of games all in one box.
The initial set of games were good but there were some gaps in the collection that I needed to fill. For example I wanted to get the Orange Box but it was a bit expensive so I settled for Portal 2 instead - no point in getting an expensive game that I might not play immediately. OrangeBox is one of those games that people talk about alot but I would mostly be getting it for Portal. Portal 2 seems to be a good compromise since it is only $13 vs $40 for the orange box.
In this second batch of games I spread myself around abit by picking up a few in which I had mild interest. Mirror's Edge, CODAW, Batman AC. Picked up Gears 3 and Crysis 3 to cover those bases. Burnout Paradise has been ported to everything so it must be good. I chose Tekken 6 over TTT2 since I had to have at least one fighting game in the collection. I got another triple pack game - wish there were more of these types of bundles. This is quite an eclectic mixture but I do play quite a variety of games. Now that the xbox360 is technically "retro", most games are "cheaper" than when they originally released while being easy enough to achieve.
Game list
Portal 2 - $12.99 USD
Dishonored - $4.99 USD
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare - $15.99 USD
Tekken 6 - $17.99 USD
Burnout Paradise - $15.99 USD
Metal Gear Solid V Ground Zeroes - $13.99 USD
Ultimate Action Triple Pack (JustCause2, TombRaider, Sleeping Dogs) - $16.99 USD
Mirror's Edge - $16.99 USD
Gears of War 3 - $13.99 USD
Crysis 3 - $12.99 USD
Batman Arkham City - $10.99 USD
Total = $153.89 USD
Shipping Costs = $31.25 USD
The only game missing from the list is Max Payne 3 which got misplaced while I was curating the shopping cart. I will have to buy it later. Since I spent most of the 7th gen of gaming on the Nintendo Wii, which means all these games are new territory. I think this completes the list of games that I want to play on the Xbox360. I think I have searched every "best of list" I could find on the internet. Anything else is either part of a series of games, too expensive or not interesting enough for me to acquire it now. I estimate the running total of my xbox purchases to about $650. Lots of games to play, never enough time but we will see what the future holds. I have previously written about my play strategy and will also write little blog reviews on them as I play each of them. The first game I played out of this batch was Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare.
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