For the next couple weeks I'm to go to the edge of music videos. Some will be my personal favourites, others will just be good songs with videos attached. Either way enjoy.
Listeners and critics have continued to praise "Smells Like Teen Spirit" (1991) as one of the greatest rock songs of all time. Often marked as the point where alternative rock entered the mainstream. wikipedia
Tami commented: wow he likes vh1. Sweet. I like the way he turns away to look at the idiot taping him. Like he's saying "what bitch, u aint nevr seen a cat do this? ... read 4 more
One way to think about the Internet is that there are two of them. There's the public one that we share with our co-workers, friends, and family. There's also a more furtive, creepy one where people exchange porn, shock photos, and other, darker droppings of human endeavor.... more here
Vaughn McCubbin commented: I was curious, but decided against watching the actual video based on what Wikipedia described it to be... That last guy's reaction was funny as hell, was gonna forward it to a few of my friends but knowing their curiosity, they might go the extra curious mile and gross themselves out... funny reactions though ... read more